Day 18: How does your garden grow?

Create a metaphor/simile/analogy that describes your teaching philosophy. For example, a “teacher is a ________…”

     Teaching is like gardening. Not very original, but, at least to me, very true. Every year at the beginning of the year I plant the seeds (of knowledge), and all year long I water them, care for them, make sure they don't die, but in the end I am still not sure what the result will be.
Some of the seedlings will grow really strong just by themselves. I just need to make sure I keep an eye on them and provide them with the necessary nutrients. Others need more support and extra nourishment. Some refuse to grow until you start coaxing them and others may have weaker and stronger branches. I am very proud of my whole garden. Not just at the end of the year, but throughout all the seasons. Growth happens in stages and sometimes I may want to give up on a tiny plant that has not shown any change for a very long time, but  I have found out eventually even the most puny of plants will blossom if I keep caring for it. It's all a bit cliche, and I am sure there will be many more interesting blog entries, but this is the one that first sprung to mind after a long but satisfying day in the garden.


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